Jan 13, 2021

No Code/Low Code Vs. Traditional Development - Which Team Should You Choose?

When it comes to custom software development, choosing an option between no code/low code development and traditional development becomes harder. Both these techniques of developing software are beneficial in different ways. These are the development techniques that are used vastly by developers from different regions of the world. In this article, you will get a better idea of the fundamental differences between these two software development methods.

What is traditional software development?

This is the conventional way of developing a website or an app. In this type of software development program, two compact teams of developers and programmers collaborate to fulfill clients' requirements. In this case, developers need to create unique coding for a specific website or app. The traditional software development program is the best possible option for developing a simple and less secure website. When the client doesn't emphasize a particular website's security and privacy factors, developers use this technique of software development for developing the website. A software development firm is supposed to hire dedicated developers to perform this kind of software development.

What is low code/no-code software development?

In this method of software development, developers use an existing software development platform to develop an app. Whether the app is for mobiles or the web, an expert developer can develop the app using such a software platform. In this case, developers and programmers don't need to create new or unique codes. In addition to that, this kind of software enables a developer to develop or build an app or website pretty quickly. This software development technique is an excellent choice for developing new apps or websites in a fast-paced environment.

What is the better option between low code/no-code development and traditional development?

Determining a suitable software development procedure for every project is critical for a software development agency. Most software development companies or firms attempt to offer offshore software development services to their clients to fulfill their requirements. The following points will highlight the favorable conditions for performing traditional development or low code/ no-code development.

·     When a company needs to develop a customized website efficiently within a short time-frame, low code/no-code development is an ideal option. This kind of development supports agile transformations of websites and applications. Low code development programs help developers to make necessary changes to websites or apps in smart and rapid ways. As this form of software development is done with some software development tools and platforms, designing new websites or moderating old ones can be smoother.

·        The companies that don't include in-house IT teams can handle their websites and apps with low code/no-code development program. Unlike the traditional development process, the developers don’t need to create new codes to build a website using this method. That’s why companies prefer using this method for website development as they don’t need to hire expert IT developers separately.

·      The low code/no-code development process is comparably cheaper than all other methods. Besides that, it is possible to make a wide variety of customizations using this particular method.

·    If you're looking for a software development process that can help you build a highly interactive website, traditional software development is the only choice. A developer can look into all the aspects of a website, which allows him to develop the website with minute detail.

·      Traditional software development is the best option for websites that need to be encrypted and secure. Some websites require additional security patches to remain protected from hackers. Traditional software development is for those kinds of websites.

Now, you need to determine which method you will choose based on your requirements. Choose any of these methods to build an efficient, customized website.